
Showing posts from May, 2013

Android Testing in Headless Emulator

When testing Android applications you have to rely on running the tests in the emulator or a device attached to your computer. However, if you want to follow a continuous integration workflow for Android development, you might need a headless emulator that runs in a non-graphical environment. For instance, I have been using  Travis CI  and Gradle for automating Android builds . To completely avoid showing the emulator interface (headless emulator) you need to start the emulator with some options in your terminal. First, you can create an specific Android AVD as follows: 1 android create avd -- force - n test - t android - 17 -- abi armeabi - v7a Then, to run the headless emulator: 1 emulator - avd test - no - skin - no - audio - no - window The '-no-skin' option removes the emulator buttons such as the home and other hardware keyboard buttons. The '-no-audio' option disables the audio support. Finally, the '-no-window...